Silent Deception: A BWWM Romance Page 4
She let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
What I have done?
Chapter Six
“Mama!” Aden’s giggles filled the air. He stood next to her and lifted his arms. This was his way of telling her he wanted to be picked up.
She had brought him out to play on his outdoor playground for a little while. He loved slipping down the slide and being pushed on the swing.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t stay out here much longer. The police should be arriving soon.
Jazz swung Aden up in her arms and held him close. His giggle was infectious. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Love you,” she murmured. Her heart melted as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her.
“Wuv you,” he said.
Her heart skipped a beat. This was her future. She would do anything to protect her son. He rested his head on her chest while she walked back toward the house.
Her eyes met those of Charlie. He sat in a chair on the patio silently watching her and Aden playing. A shiver passed through her as the memories of their night surfaced.
Down girl.
She nodded at him when she passed. The sound of the chair scraping against the stone patio echoed behind her.
“Do you want me to carry him?” Charlie asked, moving in front of her to open the patio door.
“No, I got him,” she said.
Aden snuggled closer to her. They stepped into the house, and the cool air hit her. She hadn’t realized how much her body heated up while she ran around the playground with Aden.
“Is the little man ready for some lunch?” Maria asked when Jazz entered the kitchen.
Maria Lopez had been with the Tysons for about six years as their personal chef. She was a plump woman in her mid-forties who had been hired by Jazz. They had hit it off immediately when they’d first met.
“You hungry?” she asked Aden.
He nodded and turned to Maria who was walking over to them.
“Cookie?” he asked.
They all laughed. Of course he’d know how to ask for a cookie. Maria had spoiled him something rotten with her baking.
“Lunch first,” Jazz said, a smile lingering on her lips.
Aden reached for Maria who scooped him up from Jazz.
“Would you like anything, Mrs. Tyson?” Maria asked, pausing.
“No. I’m just going to grab a bottle of water.” Jazz walked over the fridge and pulled it open.
Maria could be heard fussing over Aden while she strapped him in his high chair.
Jazz searched and found what she was looking for. Grabbing a water, she spun to Charlie who stood quietly by the door.
“Want anything?” she asked. She cocked an eyebrow at him.
His eyes darkened, and she knew he got the subliminal offer.
“Not at the moment,” he replied.
“Mrs. Tyson,” a deep voice called her from the doorway.
She turned to find Brent, one of the security guards who worked under Charlie, standing at the door.
“Yes, Brent?” She opened the bottle and took a healthy sip. The cold fluid cooled her overheated body.
“There are two detectives here to see you,” he announced.
Her gaze swiveled to Charlie who nodded. She took a deep breath and glanced back to Brent.
“I was expecting them. Please take them to the sitting room,” she instructed.
He gave her a slight nod before disappearing back the way he’d come.
“I’ll be there the entire time. You’ll be fine.” Charlie came to stand by her.
“Thanks. Let me go freshen up a bit. Let them know I’ll be there in a few minutes. I don’t want to show up to them sweating.”
“Take your time. We’ll get them comfortable,” Charlie said. He spun on his heel and exited the kitchen the same way Brent had.
“Everything will be fine, Mrs. Tyson.” Maria smiled.
“I’m sure it will be,” Jazz replied. She blew a kiss to Aden and hurried past to the back stairway that led upstairs.
This is standard procedure, she thought to herself.
She’d already spoken with the police. She wasn’t sure what else they could want, but she’d answer whatever they asked.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” Jazz announced, floating into the room. She’d quickly changed into a summer dress that flowed around her legs and heels. She’d brushed her hair back and put on light makeup to hide the faint bruising that was still visible around her neck and cheek.
She didn’t want any questions to center around who’d given her those bruises.
“It’s no bother. Thank you for meeting with us.” The first detective stood from his chair. He was an older man whose face was tired and withered. “I’m Detective Floyd, and this is my partner, Detective Mullen.”
“Welcome to my home,” she said, taking Detective Floyd’s hand in a firm shake. She turned to Detective Mullen whose lips were in a tight line. She shook his hand before taking a seat in the chair directly across from both of them.
She met their eyes in turn and crossed her legs. She leaned back while she waited for their questions to begin.
“You have a lovely home, Mrs. Tyson,” Detective Mullen said. He appeared a little younger than Floyd. His dark hair was peppered with a few silver strands.
“Thank you. I know you are coming from far away to speak with me. How can I help you?” she asked.
“To start off, I’d like to know a little more about your relationship with your husband,” Detective Floyd stated, pulling a notepad from his jacket.
“I’m not sure what you want me to stay,” she began. She shrugged and shook her head. “We were like any other couple.”
“Most couples don’t run a billion-dollar business and charity organizations.” Floyd’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on her.
She ignored it and sat up straighter.
“Does he have to be in here?” Mullen nodded over her shoulder to the figure who was casually posted in the corner.
Without looking, she knew Charlie was in the room.
She pressed her lips together in a firm line and glanced down at her shoes before meeting the detective’s eyes.
“You asked about the relationship between my husband and me. A few years ago, my husband received threats against him and myself because of the business he is in.” She paused and eyed both of them. “Denton was a man who wanted to protect his family. He spared no expense to ensure that we were safe. Hence the security you saw once on my property.”
“Your husband was a computer genius. He’s made his money in computer security systems. What types of danger could that bring you?” Mullen asked.
His gaze grew suspicious, and it was then she realized they hadn’t truly done their research into her husband.
“Security indeed. In order for him to be the best, he had to get his start somewhere. My husband was one of the top hackers around before going straight. There could be any number of people from his past gunning for him. As we see, someone succeeded.” Her voice cracked, and she bit her lip.
Breathing in deeply, she glanced down at the floor again, not wanting them to see the anger she was sure was rising in her eyes. Again, Denton had left her with a mess to clean up. She dared not admit his shady dealings to the police. This would be something that would have to be handled under the radar.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure this is hard for you, Mrs. Tyson, but we have to delve into your relationship with your husband.”
Her gaze flickered to Floyd’s. She gave him a nod, not wanting to answer truly.
“I know I’m a suspect. I watch enough cop shows,” she said.
A snort could be heard from behind her.
“Yes. We always have to rule out the spouse,” Floyd admitted. He glanced over at his partner who gave him a slight nod.
“But of course. Ask away.” She shifted slightly and met the eyes
of both detectives one after the other.
“Where were you on the night your husband was murdered?” Floyd asked.
“I’ve already answered that question—”
“Yes. The local police have given us their report. We just want to clarify some things since your husband was killed in New York City, our jurisdiction,” Mullen said.
“I was at a charity function. This is a busy season for our foundation. As I told the other police officers, I was at the function all night. You can check the newspaper if you will to confirm. There were plenty of photos that night.” She collapsed her hands in her lap.
“When was the last time you spoke to your father?”
She stiffened at Mullen’s words.
Her father.
It had been years since she’d spoken to him.
Darrius Malone was a career gangster who held ties with one of the most powerful Mafia families on the East Coast.
Denton had done some jobs for him years ago, and that was how they had met. Her father had thought it would be great to set his daughter up with a genius. He’d gifted them the money for Denton to start his business, which paid off.
“I haven’t spoken to my father in years. What does that have to do with anything?” she asked.
No, she hadn’t spoken with her father in years. That was how Denton had pulled her into his dark web. He’d slowly alienated her from her family and friends.
Her father would be pissed to know someone he had supported had put a hand on his little girl.
That wasn’t how she’d been raised. She was ashamed of how the relationship between her and her father had become strained.
“Considering who your father is…” Mullen drew out his words.
“Well, if you want to ask Darrius Malone where he was on the night of my husband’s death, then so be it. Go right ahead and ask him yourself.” She cocked her eyebrow as she dared them.
The police had been after her father for years. He had sued the New York City police multiple times and won every single one of them.
“Your husband was found in his hotel room. The coroner said he was suffocated to death,” Floyd said, bringing her attention to him.
He let out a cough, and she held back her smile.
They wouldn’t be questioning her father.
“Well, I don’t know what to say. I was here in Atlanta.” She sniffed and looked away toward the windows. The room was located on the side of the house that led to her private garden. “Have you spoken with her?”
It killed her to have to ask if they had questioned Denton’s other woman. She knew of his infidelity. He hadn’t been too good at hiding it.
“Yes, of course we have.” Floyd coughed, and if she didn’t know any better, his cheeks darkened. “Ms. Octavia Nickels was the one to call in the body.”
Octavia Nickels.
Jazzy didn’t recognize the name. The woman must have been a new one in the long line of women Denton had cheated on her with.
“Well, gentlemen. I have a few other appointments I must be getting to,” she announced. She was done with the interview.
Charlie came over to her chair and offered his hand. She allowed him to assist her in standing. Walking away from him, she moved to the detectives to offer her hand. “I wish I could be of service to you.”
“We are so sorry for your loss.” Floyd stood from his chair and shook her hand.
Mullen followed suit. His last focus was on Jazz who didn’t have an issue meeting his stare.
“If we think of anything else, we’ll give you a ring,” Mullen said, his voice gruff.
“Of course. Please enjoy a little of Atlanta while you are here.” She smiled and stepped back.
They both nodded and move to the door.
“Charlie will see you out,” she said.
“Oh, just one more thing, ma’am?” Mullen asked, scratching his head.
She cocked her head to the side as she waited for him to ask his question.
“With your husband’s death, who would you say would benefit from it most?”
She smiled. “Financially? Well, I owned twenty-six percent of the shares. My husband owned twenty-five percent and received a very decent salary.” She stepped forward to the detective, knowing where he was going with his question. “Now that my husband is gone, I will own fifty one percent of the company.”
Mullen’s eyes narrowed on her. His lips pressed in a firm line. He nodded and exited through the door Charlie held open.
Her gaze connected with Charlie, and she knew they needed to talk. He followed behind the two men.
Blowing out a deep breath, she moved over to the window seat that looked out over the yard. Sitting, she bit back a curse.
Before taking Aden outside to play, she had gone back through some of Denton’s items that she’d found in his desk. More came to light as she’d pieced together everything she had found. She’d made a few calls and knew what she needed to do next.
Jazz, having lost track of time, jerked at the quiet click of the door closing. Her gaze swiveled to the entrance and found Charlie standing at the door.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, ambling across the room toward her.
“I know who was behind the emails that were sent to Denton,” she murmured.
His eyebrows rose before his gaze darkened. “Who?”
“I need to go to my husband’s office.”
Jazz stood from the seat and brushed past Charlie. She would need to change her clothes to something more business appropriate.
Chapter Seven
Country followed behind Jazz as she strolled down the halls of Trinity Mist Systems. Her hips swung seductively with each determined step she took.
She was a woman on a mission.
The moment she’d walked into the building, the whispers had begun. Country stayed close to her, his gaze sweeping the area.
Since they were out on business, he’d worn a sport coat over a button-down and his jeans. The jacket he normally wouldn’t wear, but it allowed him to conceal his weapon that was in the holster.
His gut was warning him. He always listened to it. There wasn’t ever a time it had let him down. Not when he was deployed, not when he was working security, and certainly not when he had to protect Jazzy.
Jazzy’s chuckle cracked his lips into a smile. It was late on a weekend, and she was up watching television. Aden’s little head rested on her chest while she laid back on the couch.
Mr. Tyson was out of town and had given him specific orders that Mrs. Tyson was to be in his line of view except when she had to use the restroom. There had been heat on Denton for the latest side job.
Country shook his head at the thought that the man had made billions and was still addicted to the thrill of illegal hack jobs.
Country’s gaze swiveled back to Jazzy as she curled up on the couch with her son in her arms. His stomach clenched just watching her. She was the perfect, doting new mother, and deep down he wished he was on the couch with her.
He breathed in sharply and looked away. Thoughts like that would get him killed.
His boss may wear a suit during the week, but the man was no better than a gangster.
He didn’t deserve Jazzy.
Country sat back in the recliner and tried to relax. His pocket vibrated. Reaching in, he pulled out his phone.
An alarm.
He stood swiftly from the chair and stalked over to the window. He gently slid a finger between the blinds and peeked out into the yard. His keen eyes didn’t see anything moving.
“Is something wrong?” Jazzy’s soft voice broke through the air.
He held up a finger, signaling for her to remain quiet. The sound of her sitting up on the couch was the only noise in the room.
He tapped out a few commands on his phone and brought up the cameras that were posted around the property. His body grew tense while he checked all of the video feeds.
“Go to your bedroom and lock the doors,” he ordered.
Turning, he walked back to where he’d been sitting and grabbed his Glock that rested on the table beside his chair.
“Shouldn’t you call—”
“Go.” He softened his words seeing the fear in her eyes. He bit back a growl at her wide eyes and the way she clutched the baby to her chest. He wouldn’t need backup. Three men he could easily handle on his own.
She stood with a nod and moved to the doorway.
He remained still, watching her. He knew the layout of the house like the back of his hand. It would only take a minute for her to get up the stairs and make her way to her bedroom.
The assailants had yet to breach the house, and he had plenty of time.
His heart skipped a beat at the sound of his true name on her lips. She was the only person who called him by his given name other than his mother.
Their eyes met, and he was almost knocked to his knees. Even though she was afraid, she trusted him. If she’d known what he’d had to do to ensure she and her child remained safe, she may not look at him the way she was at that moment.
He was a monster.
Using the skills taught to him in the army to kill in order to protect a woman.
A woman who wasn’t his.
A small smile lingered on her lips, and she gripped Aden’s form to her
“Yes, Jazzy?” he asked.
“Kick their ass and come back to me safe.” She turned around and disappeared through the door.
His heart slammed against his chest. In the short while he’d worked for them, they had grown close. He’d never thought he’d ever have such feelings for a woman, but her small request would be honored.
He wasn’t going anywhere.
Knowing she would be safe in her bedroom, he stalked over to the doors that led outside with a laser focus.
He slowly opened them and melted into the night. The three men who had been sent to kidnap had been amateurs. He’d quickly disposed of them without even breaking a sweat.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dialed a number he could trust without question.
“What?” a voice barked over the line.
“I need three bodies picked up,” he announced without explanation. He stood over the still form of the third man. He’d been decent with his hand-to-hand combat, but Country outweighed him by fifty pounds and was much faster.