Hard Love_A BWWM Sports Romance Page 5
He closed his eyes and truly had to think. Without football, who was he?
“Away from the limelight, who are you?” she asked.
She really wanted to know the real him? Then their weekend trip would show her, more than he would ever be able to explain.
He began to talk about growing up in Texas. Without football, he would be a true country boy. His parents owned a ranch outside of Waco where they raised cattle. He spoke of his brother, Andre, and sister, Catrin, or Caty as she liked to be called.
“Without football, I guess I would have gone on to become a Texas ranch owner.” He sighed. It wasn’t a bad thing. Once football was over, he had options. His college degree had been in telecommunication, and he could easily move over to a being sportscaster on any of the popular sports channels. Some of the channels had already begun to reach out to him to let him know that whenever he should be ready to retire, they would be willing to create sports shows around him.
He’d be able to combine the two things he loved most. Football and ranching after retirement.
He just needed to find that special someone to share his future with.
They talked to each other for hours. She spoke of her family and growing up with her brother. The movie on his television had long gone off. Pretty soon, the soft sounds of Jada’s breathing reached his ears. Here they were, both grown adults with careers, and staying on the telephone past midnight.
“Jada,” he murmured her name, listening to her soft snores. His chest tightened with the image of her sleeping. He ached to be there with her. To pull her against his chest and hold her snuggly to him while she dozed off to sleep. “Sleep tight, Jada.”
He smiled and disconnected the call. He stood from the couch and reached for the remote. He turned off the television and let loose a deep yawn as he headed toward his bedroom. He had an early morning workout tomorrow and he knew he would be pay for staying up late.
Jada was worth it.
Training camp was coming up soon that he’d have to prepare for, but for now, he had a surprise trip to plan for Jada.
* * *
Jada put the finishing touches on the overnight bag she’d packed. She looked around her bedroom and didn’t see anything else that she would need to take. She zipped her bag shut and blew out a deep breath. Reiner had told her he would be picking her up early. Even though it was Saturday, she never was able to sleep in. This was one of the busiest days at the salon, and she couldn’t believe that she was playing hooky away from her baby.
Trissa had promised that she would be able to handle one Saturday without her there, and Jada had no choice but to trust her friend.
Jada scurried over to her floor-length mirror one last time to do an outfit check. She wore an off-the-shoulder white shirt that highlighted her ample bosom, skin-tight jeans, and her favorite heels. She kept her clothes simple and accented them with bangles on her wrists. She ran her fingers through her thick, dark curls, ensuring that she looked perfect.
Every day, her and Reiner spoke on the phone till the wee hours of the morning. She still couldn’t believe that he’d called her the next day after she’d fallen asleep on the phone. The sounds of his baritone voice sent a shiver through her spine every single time he called. It was no wonder she fell asleep. It wasn’t that he was a boring conversationalist—no, not that at all. His voice was smooth and deep, and it just lulled her to sleep.
She turned and grabbed her bag and headed to the living room. She dropped her bag off by the front door and strode to the kitchen. She eyed her coffee maker and wasn’t sure she would have enough time to make a good cup of joe. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and her doorbell sounded.
“He wasn’t kidding. Eight in the morning sharp.” She chuckled. Her feet carried her to the front door with her heart racing. She stood on tiptoe so that she could look through the peephole. Her core clenched at the sight of Reiner’s profile while he stared off down her street.
She paused with her hand on the handle before she pulled the door open.
“Hi,” she greeted him. A soft smile spread across her lips when her eyes met his smoky gray ones. She took him in, and her breath caught in her chest at the dark scruff that graced his jawline. Her fingers ached to run along his jaw to feel how rough it was. She wondered how it would feel brushing up against her thighs, and her eyes widened.
“Morning,” he drawled, returning her stare. His eyes darkened as if he were able to read her thoughts. “Can I come in, or are you ready to go now?”
She blinked and laughed at her rudeness. “Please, come in.”
She unlocked the screen door and held it open for him. She stepped back, allowing him to enter her home. The sheer size of him seemed to make her little alcove shrink. She closed the door, taking in the dark SUV that was parked in her driveway. She leaned against the door while he looked around her small home, before he turned his eyes to her.
He took a step toward her, pressing his chest to hers. His fingers tipped her chin up to him as he lowered his lips to hers. Unable to resist, she leaned toward him to meet him in a kiss that was open and hot.
His tongue swept into her mouth, tasting her. Her shyness faded away at the feel of his hands gripping her hips and pulling her flush to him. She met his tongue with hers with every thrust.
Her fingers had a mind of their own. They trailed up to the nape of his neck and threaded their way into his thick hair. She released a moan when he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Her back slammed against the door as his body remained pressed closer to hers. He eased back and stared down at her while they both tried to get their breathing under control.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a full week,” he murmured, running a finger along her swollen bottom lip.
“What? Tell me good morning,” she joked, a smile spreading across her face.
He chuckled, leaning forward to place a small kiss on her lips again. He lingered for a second before he pulled back.
She groaned internally. How the hell was she to spend a full twenty-four hours with this man? The way her body exploded the second he touched her let her know the sex would be just as deadly. But once he found out about her virginity, would he even want her? A man like him had surely been with a shit ton of women.
She wasn’t that stupid.
She’d watched some of those reality shows that flaunted the women who dated or married professional athletes. She was nothing like any of those women. She wasn’t tall and certainly wasn’t thin.
“Well, consider this your official good morning greeting from me.” He stepped away from her with a wide grin.
His gaze dropped down to her chest, and she knew that he would see her painfully erect nipples pushing through. Her breasts were traitors. His quick intake of breath caused her core to clench. His eyes came back up to hers. She nervously pushed her hair off to one shoulder.
“Well, good morning to you, too, Mr. Strickland,” she whispered, meeting his eyes.
“We need to go. I see you have a bag here. Does this mean we are turning this into an overnight trip?” His eyebrow arched with his question, a pleased look on his face while he waited for her to answer.
She nodded, watching his smile widen. She bit her lip as he grabbed her bag from the floor. She ran over to the couch and snatched up her cell and purse before returning to him. She pushed down the thoughts in the back of her mind that this was rushed. At this point, she didn’t care. She was tired of being responsible. If she had one chance to toss responsibility aside, it would be now.
“I promise to be a complete gentleman,” he assured her and opened the door.
She released a sigh, walking through the doorway. She locked up her house and turned to him as he waited on the stairs. She took in his rugged good looks, perfect muscular body, and her breath caught in her chest.
She wasn’t sure she wanted him to be a gentleman.
Reiner’s chuckle filled Jada’s ears when she gasped, staring at the private jet they
were walking toward.
“A private jet?” she whispered in awe, holding on to his arm.
Once he’d helped her down from the truck, he’d entwined their fingers as if he needed to touch her. She felt the same and relaxed against him while they walked toward the plane.
“I want you for myself,” he joked. “I’m too big for commercial flights, and at least this way, I can spread out my legs.”
“Okay, but where are we going?” she asked, excitement filling her chest. She knew that he had said that he would whisk her away, but she didn’t think that he’d meant literally.
Her eyes flew to his as she looked at him. She’d never been to Texas before. Hell, she had never really traveled much before. She’d been to New York City, Atlanta, and a few other cities for conventions in her industry and a vacation or two, but never just up and went somewhere on a splurge. Her career had pretty much taken up her life, and it didn’t leave much time for play.
“I’ve never been to Texas before,” she admitted whilst being ushered into the plane. She took in the plush cabin with wide eyes.
“Welcome, Ms. Dalton. Mr. Strickland,” the stewardess greeted them with a wide smile. She looked to be in her early forties, and her nameplate gave the name Barb.
“Hey, Barb. How’s the family?” Reiner asked, coming up behind Jada.
His hand settled on her hip, and she couldn’t help but notice his subtle way of touching her every chance he got. Heat rose in her as his fingers rested on her.
“Everyone’s fine. My husband told me to thank you for his tickets. You would have thought he won the lottery. He’s been telling everyone how he has fifty yard line seats for the season opener.” Barb smiled, waving them into the cabin.
“Not a problem.” Reiner laughed as he moved past Jada.
“Mr. Strickland. How are you?” The pilot came out of the cockpit with his hand outstretched. The other man in the cockpit twisted around and waved before turning back to the control panel in front of him.
“Hey, Lance. I’m good. How are the skies looking?” Reiner asked.
“Clear and beautiful. It shouldn’t take us long to get to Waco. Enjoy the flight.” Lance smiled and nodded to her.
She was achingly aware of the way Reiner’s hand brushed along her back to grab her hand and pull her behind him.
“This is amazing,” she gushed, looking around. She’d never been on a private jet before. She could definitely see the reason why he loved to travel this way. There was plenty of room. Six plush recliners and a small couch in the back of the cabin faced a panel of televisions. She took in the door labeled bathroom and another one without a label.
She’d only ever traveled commercial and was used to being cramped in the economy section. There was no way that Reiner would be able to fit in those small seats on a commercial flight.
“Hard work paid off,” he announced, guiding her over to a pair of recliners.
She took the one by the window.
“I see what I have to work toward.” She laughed. But she knew no matter how successful her salon became, she didn’t see herself flying via private jet. “Do you own this or did you rent it?”
“Own it. My brother and I went in and purchased it together. We have a schedule for when we each need it, and so far it works out.” He shrugged his broad shoulders.
“We should be ready to leave soon, Mr. Strickland,” Barb announced, walking past them.
“We better buckle up.” Reiner nodded to Jada’s seat belt. He reached over and grabbed it.
Her eyes met his as he snapped it, securing her.
“You’re such a gentlemen. Are all Texas men like this?” she joked. She loved his protective nature around her. She wasn’t used to this from the men she had dated previously.
He stole a quick kiss with a growl. She laughed, watching him snap his belt in place.
“Let’s not worry about any other men.” He reached for her hand and entwined their fingers together.
She smiled, glancing down at their hands and squeezed his tight. The different hue of their skin color didn’t bother her at all. She loved the way his lighter one looked against hers.
“This is about me and you,” he said.
“I’m so excited. I don’t know if what I packed or have on is appropriate. You should have given me a better idea of what we are doing?” She elbowed him and waved her legs for him to see her heels.
“You’re perfect,” he murmured then laughed at her shoe choice.
She had to fight to keep from squirming in her seat with the look he gave her.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “If you don’t have any other shoes, it’s fine. You don’t really need shoes for what I have planned.”
Her heart slammed in her chest while her imagination went wild. She may have never given the gift of her virginity to anyone, but she wasn’t a complete innocent. She’d shared hot and heavy moments with men in the past but had never taken the plunge to give herself fully to them.
They’d only shared a total of three kisses, and already, Reiner had blown past every man in her past. If their good morning kiss was any indicator of how sex between them would be, sign her up. She’d finally found a man she would be willing to bestow her gift to. She just hoped he was able to handle the notion once she grew the balls to tell him.
* * *
Reiner glanced over at Jada as she watched the scenery fly past. A couple of the ranch hands who worked for his parents had dropped his pickup truck off at the airport. He guided the truck down the highway toward his family ranch.
“The land is beautiful,” Jada announced. Her face had been pressed up against the glass from the minute they’d pulled out of the airport parking lot.
“I try to get back every chance I can,” he murmured, fiddling with the radio. He turned on one of his favorite local country channels and settled back in his chair. Giggles filled the air, catching his attention. “What?”
“Nothing. I’m just trying to picture you as a country boy. Where’s your cowboy hat, cowboy?” Her eyes twinkled as she tried to hide her laughter.
“Well, if you must know, my Stetson is back at the ranch in the barn. We’ll be there soon enough, city girl.” He smiled, loving the sound of her laughter. “And there is nothing wrong with country music.”
She laughed even harder. “I didn’t say there was. I’ve never been around a real-life cowboy. We don’t have those in the city.”
“How about that? You’ll get your first taste of ranch life this weekend, city girl.”
“Are we going to your family’s ranch?” Excitement lined her voice.
He glanced over at her and found her practically dancing in her seat.
“Yes, ma’am.” He flicked the blinker and guided the truck into the right lane. Their exit would be coming up soon. “Before we go back to the city, we’ll make an honorary cowgirl out of you.”
“Can I pet a horse?”
He snorted at her question. Yup, she was a city girl down to the core.
“We don’t pet horses. You ride them. Correction, we are going to ride horses today.”
“Really? I’ve always wanted to try.”
He had to keep his eyes on the road. It wouldn’t help if they were in an accident because he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
“But what if I fall off?” she asked.
“You won’t have to worry about that. I have the perfect little filly for you that is gentle. Sammy is good with kids, and she’d be perfect for you,” he said, reaching for her hand to reassure her. Sammy wouldn’t hurt a fly. The filly thrived off attention and had the patience of a saint when it came to kids and first-time riders.
He gripped her hand tight in his, realizing that he couldn’t stop touching her. His cock had yet to settle down since arriving at her home a few hours ago. He wanted her but he didn’t want to rush her. If nothing happened this weekend, he’d just have to take care of business on his own. There would b
e no way that he could go through the entire weekend with a stiff cock. Blue balls would not look good on him.
“So if this is your family’s ranch, are your parents going to be there?” she asked.
He glanced at her and saw worry etched on her face. After his conversation with his mother about Jada, he wanted his mother to meet her so that she could relax about what might happen. He was confident that once his mother met Jada, all would be fine.
“Actually, no. They flew up to visit my father’s brother and his family for the weekend up in San Francisco.”
“So we’ll have the ranch to ourselves?” she asked.
He knew that being alone with her was going to be dangerous. The kisses that they had shared was proof. There was an explosive attraction between the two of them that he wanted to explore.
“There will be a few hands on the ranch this weekend, but other than that, we’ll have the place to ourselves.”
“The land goes for miles,” Jada exclaimed, glancing around the ranch. “How many acres is this?”
“We own about three hundred. Our family used to own more, but we’ve sold off quite a bit as the years went by.”
They’d arrived at the main house. He’d given her a small tour, promising more later. He’d quickly put together a lunch from items he had found left over in the kitchen. They had walked out to the stables so that they could go on their ride and picnic he’d planned.
Reiner laughed at the excitement embedded on Jada’s face as she twirled around looking at the property. She had switched out of her heels and threw on a pair of flat sandals. He watched her lean against the wooden fence, closing her eyes, and took a deep breath.
His city girl loved the country air.
When did she become his city girl?
He chuckled, making his way over to her. He entrapped her with his arms bracing along the fence. She turned around and leaned back, tipping her head to meet his eyes with hers. Her face was relaxed and filled with joy.
His heart slammed against his chest as he stared down at her. He was so used to women chasing him for his money and the celebrity status, but not Jada. She couldn’t care less about the money and fame. She was truly with him for him.